Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bhajan Practice

We will be gathering for Bhajan practice at Udaya and Andrew's home in Huelo on
 Tuesday, April 30th at 11 am.

Please call 573-4959 if you are interested in attending. 

On Tuesday, May 7th we will be gathering at Kalyani's home in Makawao at    11 am. 

Please call 344-0325 if you are interested in attending. 
In love and light

May Satsang

amma photo: AMMA Amma.jpg
Aum Namah Shivaya
We will be gathering up in Kula at Jodi and Randy's home on Sunday
 May 12th at 3:30pm for our monthly satsang.
Join us if you feel as this will be a spirited afternoon filled with joy for our beloved Amma.
We will sing bhajans, chant arati and Amma's 108 names.

Please bring a small snack to share for the close of our time together. 

Jodi's address is:
72 Wahelani St.

Kula, HI. 96790